Best Faculty

Introduction Of The Program:

The department provides excellent computing facilities and ensures the enhancement of practical knowledge of students by facilitating them to learning. The computer science department provides a comprehensive range of facilities necessary for computer use and a library of programs and packages for solving scientific, engineering, commercial and social problems.

However, a continuously innovative and technologically compatible content of the curriculum is strengthening our students, which should be fit for broader career opportunities, which are exciting, rewarding and greatly needed for a rapidly developing country. We believe in human development, capacity building, grooming and personal branding of our students.

Job Opportunities

Dr sahar arooj

Assistant Professor (Coordinator of CS, SE, IT)

Dr. Sahar Arooj

Ph.D. Scholar-Computer Science. Gold Medalist in MS Computer Science.

Waseem Rasool


Waseem Rasool

MS, Computer Science

Madiha Maqbool


Madiha Maqbool Chaudhry

MS Software Engineering ( FAST, NUCES Islamabad)

Munazza Mubeen


Anam Shahzadi

M. Phil, Computer Science

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the admissions requirements?
  • Minimum 50% marks in FSC Pre-Eng or ICS. 
What are the required documents to take admissions?
  • 5 Passport Size Photographs
  • 5 Matric Result Card Copies
  • 5 Intermediate Result Card Copies
  • 5 Domicile Copies
  • 5 CNIC Copies
How do I have to submit the required documents ?
  • By campus visit.
How much is the admission fee to enter university ?
  • The Admission Fee is 20,000/-
  • And Semester Fee is 35,000/-
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