
Director Message

At Al-Shifa Institute of Health Sciences, we believe that every student is unique and special. Unlocking student potential, realizing aspirations and creating future leaders is a responsibility that we take very seriously. We strive to develop well-rounded, confident young scholars who are equipped for our modern and changing world.

We believe that the learning should be center of everything that we do. Our institution has a culture where we do not rest until every student in our care is engaged and achieving. We believe that every student, every day, in every class deserves our very best effort and we strive to make sure that we come up to this expectation.

Prof. Saeed Rasool


Principal Message

We develop human resource through professional education, research and training in the field of health sciences. We promote learning environment that cherishes gender, culture equity, support pursuits of knowledge, academic freedom and intellectual curiosity

We aim at socio-economic growth of country by ensuring professional excellence, integrity and ethical conduct in our students with diverse and innovative faculty. 

Dr. Naeem Rasool

Admin Office

Mr. Kafayat Mushtaq (Administration Head )

Examination Office

Mr. Kafayat Mushtaq (Controller Examination)

IT Office

Mr. Arslan Azhar (IT Head)

Account Office

Mr. Muhammad Imran Butt (Account Head)

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